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Heat Treating -- APC Pallets Inc.

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Heat Treating

The heat treatment process ensures that the heat pallets are non-existent of any living organisms before they are exported. APC Pallets strictly abides by ISPM-15 regulations that govern the standards set forth for any wood greater than 6mm that is being transported to another country.

Why Do You Need To Heat-Treat Pallets

Wooden pallets are a natural product. Unlike many natural products, wooden pallets are prone to moulds, fungus, bacteria, and insects. The heat treatment process is intended to eliminate any bugs to stop their worldwide spread during export. Heat treating does not contributes to strength or age of the wood, it only eliminates bugs from the wood. Among many ways, heat treatment is the most effective way of making pallets free from any bugs.


How Does Our Heat Treatment Work?

APC Pallets carries down the heat treatment process in a timely, consistent and efficient manner. All kinds of wood including newly cut wood, recycled, reused, or repaired can be heat treated. The process is initiated with debarking the wood appropriately into small chunks and heating them at 56- degrees Celsius (132.8 Fahrenheit). After the process, the treated wood is stamped. Without this stamp, the wood cannot be exported to another country.

Advantages of Our Heat-Treat Pallets

The method ensures that the threat of bugs, insects and other contaminants is eliminated before the wood is exported. In addition to putting an end to insects and larvae, our heat-treated pallets offer several other advantages:

  • Reduce the moisture content
  • Adds longevity and quality
  • Simplify pallet handling
  • Lighter in weight
  • Environmentally sound

For any information or query, please contact our support team.

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